Minidryer / Stenter And Steamer
Saturated and HT-Steamer, suitable for the chemical and dyestuff industry, finishing plants, research institutes and general textile industry.
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Basic design as Mini-Dryer, model R-3, owing the wide adjusting ranges regarding temperature, humidity, dwelling time. This apparatus can be used for - drying, curing and thermofixation 20°-250°
Touch screen controller; maximum 40 programs (temperature, moisture, dwell time) can be created
Drying, curing and thermofixation 20°-250°
- Steaming with saturated steam 102°C±2°
- HT steaming at temperatures between 100°- 250°C - Test fabric size max. 350×400 mm
- Automatic pin frame transport with preselectable dwell time from 10 seconds to 60 minutes
- The ceiling is slanted and an additional heating is fixed at the entrance slit in order to avoid formation of drop water
- Suitable for discontinuous operation in conjunction with lab padder, type Air Pad
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Minidryer / Stenter and Steamer
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