February 10, 2020
SDL Atlas Test Materials Go From Excellent To Exceptional

Test Materials have always been an important part of the SDL Atlas line of products and in order to better meet our clients’ needs, in 2018 we launched a new range of ISO specification Test Materials to complement our comprehensive and successful line of American standard Test Materials. These products were designed and are being produced to be fully compliant and of the highest quality, so our customers can have complete confidence in the quality and consistency of performance.
We are delighted to report that our range of standardized ISO Test Materials are now being used globally by all of the largest independent testing organizations in the world. Furthermore, we are happy to announce that we continue to receive new approvals from top European retailers.
Manufactured to the highest standards and tested both internally and externally by an independent laboratory, we have been accepted by all the leading Testing Organizations as producing products which perform exactly as required; from lab to lab, test after test, batch after batch. SDL Atlas Test Materials provide confidence.
If you are interested in our fully compliant ISO, AATCC, and ASTM Test Materials, please contact your local SDL Atlas representative or visit the SDL Atlas website: www.sdlatlas.com/test-materials
Committed to providing customers confidence in standard based testing, SDL Atlas has offices and experts in the United States, United Kingdom, Hong Kong and China, plus agents serving over 100 countries, SDL Atlas is ready to support its customers with instruments, test materials, and services anywhere in the world.
For more information, visit www.sdlatlas.com or contact an SDL Atlas solutions expert:
- (US) T: +803-329-2110; E: [email protected]
- (Hong Kong) T: +852 3443 4888; E: [email protected]
- (China) T: +86 755 2671 1168; E: [email protected]