September 05, 2019
SDL Atlas Launches Redesigned Vortex M6

SDL Atlas, has released the next generation of their popular Vortex M6. The Vortex M6 is the only laboratory grade instrument specifically designed to address the most recent revisions of LP1-2018 (Table I, IIC, IID, IIIA and IIIB) and M6 Monograph requirements developed by AATCC.
The instrument is now equipped with a full color touch screen controller that offers English and Chinese languages. Both the M6 Monograph and the LP1 washes are preprogrammed. Custom programs can be created and saved for later use including wash cycles of up to 80 hours. A large lamp above the touch screen lets the lab technician know the status of the instrument at a glance from across the room.
Additionally, the Vortex can now resume a cycle from a power outage without operator intervention (setting to be chosen by user).
The Vortex M6 is now paired with RemoteAccess. This innovative smartphone application lets operators track the real-time testing progress of instruments anytime and anywhere. End of test notifications can be sent to minimize downtime. RemoteAccess is available for download on iOS and Android devices at no charge.
Committed to providing customers confidence in standard based testing, SDL Atlas has offices and experts in the United States, United Kingdom, Hong Kong and China, plus agents serving over 100 countries, SDL Atlas is ready to support its customers with instruments, test materials, and services anywhere in the world.
For more information, visit or contact an SDL Atlas solutions expert:
- (US) T: +803-329-2110; E: [email protected]
- (Hong Kong) T: +852 3443 4888; E: [email protected]
- (China) T: +86 755 2671 1168; E: [email protected]